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13 June 2019

The First lady of DRC, Mrs Denise NYAKERU TSHISEKEDI presided over activities marking the closure of International Midwifery Day celebration

 « Midwives: defenders of the rights of women » was the theme of International Midwifery Day commemorated in DRC on the 9th of May under the auspices of the First Lady Ms Denise NYAKERU TSHISEKEDI... Read more

24 May 2019

People-centered development is critical for Africa's future to ensure the Africa We Want

UNFPA, the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency, recommitted to the revolutionary decision taken at the 1994 International Conference... Read more

8 March 2019
Building off of Friends of UNFPA’s campaign that aims to recognize and showcase the excellent work of our staff around the world, DHR-TMB is thrilled to spotlight our amazing staff at UNFPA!

Building off of Friends of UNFPA’s campaign that aims to recognize and showcase the excellent work of our staff around the world, DHR-TMB is thrilled to spotlight our amazing staff at UNFPA!

Eke Henriette is the midwifery adviser for UNFPA DRC. She represents and models exceptional commitment UNFPA’s mandate having made positive impact in... Read more

8 March 2019
Spotlight on Kenya ahead of the Nairobi Summit

Spotlight on Kenya ahead of the Nairobi Summit

Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta hailed the strong partnership between his government and UNFPA during a meeting with UNFPA’s Executive Director, Dr.... Read more

23 November 2018
Chief Superintendent Françoise Munya Rugero - Champion for the fight against sexual violence in DRC.

Chief Superintendent Françoise Munya Rugero - Champion for the fight against sexual violence in DRC.

The special police units in charge of child protection and the fight against sexual violence, a crisis response strategy, made permanent and... Read more

26 October 2018

Respect young people's rights and reap the demographic dividend - State of World Population 2018 launch in Africa

If the demographic dividend is to be harnessed, then the fundamental civil, political and socioeconomic rights of young people, including young women... Read more

5 October 2018

Africa has come a long way in addressing population and development issues

African ministers in charge of population issues have endorsed the continental report on the implementation of the Addis Ababa Declaration on... Read more

5 September 2018

“We pray that Ebola epidemic will stop”

As if the consequences of an ongoing armed conflict were not already challenging, Mangina Reference Health Centre has found itself at the heart of... Read more

15 May 2018

2nd General Census of Population and Housing in DRC: Evaluation of pilot cartography

The one and last General Census of Population and Housing in DRC dates from 1984. It is therefore imperative that DRC has reliable and up-to-date... Read more

6 April 2018

"The world needs to open its eyes" - Kasai survivors call for attention to crisis

“There was a lot of violence. Armed men abused and killed young girls, even while they were fleeing,” said Felikanko, 44. She was one of more than a... Read more
