Cover page annual report
Annual Report
The UNFPA Country Office in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is pleased to share with you its 2023 Annual Report - “Investing in women and adolescent girls: accelerating the pace”. This report highlights key achievements and deliverables to achieve transformative results in the DRC.
Displaced women in Mali listen to midwife Aissata Traore, who is raising awareness on preventing mother-to-child transmission.
Global Affairs Canada has pledged US$7.2 million to UNFPA, the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency, to respond to severe humanitarian needs in 13 countries across sub-Saharan Africa. The contribution will strengthen UNFPA’s sexual and reproductive health and rights efforts in the region over the next two years.
Executive Director, Dr. Natalia Kanem
​​​​​​​Midwives: Heroes on the front lines of the global climate crisis  Right now, around the world, millions of lives are in the hands of midwives. Whether they are wading through flood waters to reach pregnant women or delivering babies amid the rubble of an earthquake, midwives are the unsung heroes of community health services. Thanks to midwives, births are safer. The sexual and reproductive health care they p...

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