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Cover page annual report

RDC 2023 Annual Report

Annual Report

The UNFPA Country Office in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is pleased to share with you its 2023 Annual Report - “Investing in women and adolescent girls: accelerating the pace”. This report highlights key achievements and deliverables to achieve transformative results in the DRC.

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Sitrep August 2023

Sitrep August 23


Humanitarian Response Scale up: Ituri, North Kivu and South Kivu Provinces

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“Progress towards achieving the 3 transformative results” Cover

Annual report 2022-UNFPA-Democratic Republic of Congo

Annual Report

Annual report 2022-UNFPA-Democratic Republic of Congo

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Annual report

2021 Annual Report


The UNFPA Country Office in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is pleased to share with you the 2021 Annual Report - "The latest evidence to accelerate the three transformative results”. This report highlights key achievements and deliverables towards achieving the transformative results in DRC.


The 2021 Annual report shares insight into UNFPA’s support to the Government of the DRC towards building resilience in the humanitarian context and ensuring continuity of integrated Sexual Reproductive health right and GBV services.


Our thanks go to all the partners who have contributed to making the achievements/results made in 2021 possible.


Happy reading!

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State of World Population 2021 report

State of World Population Report

The State of World Population 2021 report “My body is my own: Claiming the right to autonomy and self-determination” launches 14 April.

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My Body Is My Own

State of World Population Report

We have the inherent right to choose what we do with our body, to ensure its protection and care, to pursue its expression. The quality of our lives depends on it. In fact, our lives themselves depend on it. 

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Country programme document for Democratic Republic of the Congo


Country programme document for Democratic Republic of the Congo

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UNFPA DRC 2019 Annual Report

Annual Report

In this results based report, we focus on the UNFPA Strategic Plan three transformative results, and also share how we conceptualized the 10 years old girl, and the youth peace and security (SCR 2250) in our context in DRC. We also share the transformational innovation (humanitarian midwifery surge) that was instrumental to our fit-for-purpose in the DRC protracted humanitarian setting.

2019 was a special year for us in many ways as we all celebrated ICPD@25, UNFPA@50, and recorded 30% increase in new acceptors for family planning, 22% increase in fistula repairs, 36% increase in medical and psychological support to GBV survivors compared to 2018. We hope readers will get a sense of how we planted the seeds for the decade of action towards 2030.

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This guidance is intended for field supervisors, site managers and public health personnel, as well as national and local governments and the wider humanitarian community working in humanitariansituations who are involved in the decision making and implementation of multi-sectorial COVID-19 outbreak readiness and response activities – the guidance will be useful for all activated Humanitarian Clusters and their partners

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