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UNFPA interventions in response to the COVID-19


In times of crisis like that of the COVID-19 pandemic, the risk of maternal and newborn mortality is higher. Urgent interventions in this domain can make the difference between life and death for
pregnant mothers and their newborns. Pregnant and lactating mothers as well as health personnel who assist them to deliver under good conditions (so that no woman should die while giving life) such as midwives, nurses, doctors and anesthetists must be at the center of all response efforts.

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Major results UNFPA 2019


Major results UNFPA DRC 2019

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Flyer : Joint united nations program to End gender-based violence: justice, Empowerment and dignity (jad) of Women and girls in the DRC


Joint united nations program to End gender-based violence: justice, Empowerment and dignity (jad) of Women and girls in the DRCThe joint program aims to contribute to the prevention of genderbased
violence (GBV) in the DRC through the adoption of sociocultural
attitudes and norms that respect gender equality and the provision
of quality and holistic care to survivors. The programme strengthens
coordination at national level with a view to ensuring government and
community ownership and accountability.

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Ebola Newsletter


How UNFPA contributes to the response to EVD in the DRC

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Flyer : Call to Action National Roadmap for Protection against Gender- Based Violence (GBV) in the DRC


The Call to Action on Protection against Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies is a global initiative launched in 2013 which calls for every humanitarian response, from the very first phase, to provide safe and comprehensive services for GBV survivors as well as to work on mitigate risks for GBV to occur. The Call to Action members are states, international organizations and non-governmental organizations.

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Flyer: Addresing GBV with a multi-sectoral and survivors-centered approach in DRC


At the global level, UNFPA is a full member of the IASC, and is the lead agency for the coordination of GBV in humanitarian setting within the Protection Cluster as such UNFPA leads the GBV sub cluster decentralized in 7 provinces affected by crisis and composed of approximately by 45 members that represent civil society, UN, Government and the international NGO.

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The CERF women humanitarian stories


Newsletter: The CERF women humanitarian stories

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CERF Flyer


Ensuring Sexual and Reproductive Rights to women and girls in conflict-affected communities of the DRC

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UNFPA DR Congo - Annual report 2018

UNFPA DR Congo - Annual report 2018

Annual Report

UNFPA DR Congo - Annual report 2018
Uncertainties about elections at the end of December and a flurry of crises on top of a protracted humanitarian situation made 2018 a challenging year for UNFPA in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

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Annual Report 2017

Annual Report 2017

Annual Report

Annual Report 2017

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