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We present to you Mrs Anita AKUMIAH, head of the GBV team within UNFPA DRC. Anita talks to us about her work


Rachèlle Davidi , Sage-femme au Centre de santé de référence Mwirawavangi de Mangina continue sa vie professionnelle après la guérison à la maladie à virus Ebola


Message à la nation de S.Ex. Monsieur le Ministre d'Etat, Ministre du Plan Christian Mwando Nsimba Kabulo à l'occasion de la célébration de la Journée Mondiale de la Population 2021


Interview of UNFPA Executive Director, Dr. Natalia Kanem with the Voice of America (VOA) at the end of her mission to Democratic Republic of Congo, from 12 to18 May 202


L'unité communication du bureau continue à valoriser le travail d'un staff. Dr Marini Atimango, Chargée de programme SR/Planification familiale au Kasaï parle de son travail sur les activités de santé de reproduction et la mobilisation des ressources humanitaires.


Three transformative results of UNFPA RDC.  We promote the right of every woman and young person to enjoy a life of health and equal opportunity.


Dr Natalia Kanem, Executive Director of UNFPA, the United Nations agency for sexual and reproductive health, paid a visit to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) on May 12, 2021. This is the first mission to this country of the Executive Director of UNFPA, Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations. It was an opportunity to Bukavu to meet  the 2018 Nobel Prize laureate, Dr. Denis Mukwege 


 L'hopital Général de Référence de Walungu, un modèle dans l'offre des services de santé communautaire au Sud Kivu.

 #Canada #suede #Japon #UNCERF


#MyBodyIsMyOwn: Claiming the right to autonomy and self-determination

The State of World Population 2021 report “My body is my own: Claiming the right to autonomy and self-determination” launches today, 14 April.

UNFPA's flagship report finds that when women and girls can make the most fundamental choices about their bodies, they not only gain in terms of autonomy, but also through advances in health and education, income and safety. These add up to a world of greater justice and human well-being, which benefits us all.

"The report clearly demonstrates overwhelming global agreement that bodily autonomy is a right for everyone," said Executive Director Dr. Natalia Kanem in her message to UNFPA staff. "And it makes the case that communities and countries flourish when all people have the power to make their own informed decisions about their bodies and their futures."


Espace sûr, un endroit où les femmes et filles se retrouvent pour partager leurs expériences et parler de ce qui leur est arrivé. Bref un cadre pour leur épanouissement. Suivez la vidéo avec Espérance MUJINGA.
